Steam Gators
Project information
- Category: Web design & C++
- Project date: 06 December, 2022
- Project URL:
- Youtube: :
This was a final project for my Data Structures and Algorithms class. For the final project we had to create a program that utilized a large dataset and compared two algorithms or datastructures. For this project I worked with one other person. We chose to use a dataset that contained over 100,000 steam reviews and to compare a ordered map and an unordered map. For this project I learned web development and created the front-end for our application, Steam Gators. I also helped develop the backend. We stored one positive and negative review for each game in a ordered and unordered map. We then compared the time to search through each of these data structures. The backend was written in C++, then through the compiler Emscripten our C++ code was converted to Javascript. I then used that compiled Javascript code to connect the backend code to the frontend.
Project information
- Category: SMFL & C++
- Project date: April, 2022
- Project URL:
This was a final project for Programming Fundamentals 2. For the final project we had to recreate Minesweeper using the Simple and Fast Multimedia Library, or SMFL for short and C++. We were given the sprites to use and had to create the rest of the game. We were also required to create four extra buttons for debugging purposes. The first button reveals all the bombs, and the last three load custom board states.